Los Angeles Attorneys Serving Injured Animators, Editors and Copywriters 

California firm helps entertainment industry professionals collect workers’ compensation

To outsiders, Hollywood is the land of dreams, but entertainment industry employees know that the magic on the screen results from countless hours of hard work under deadline pressure. When the job is done, producers and studios move on to the next phase of their project, but screenwriters, animators, editors and others often suffer lingering effects. If you work behind the scenes in show business and your job has caused physical injury or emotional trauma, the Board-certified California workers’ compensation attorneys at Goldschmid, Silver & Spindel can help. Our Los Angeles firm has secured millions of dollars for individuals who have been hurt on the job, and we know how to present persuasive cases for victims of carpal-tunnel injuries, stress-related disorders and other medical conditions experienced by show business professionals.

Medical conditions that result from deadline stress

Researchers have linked various physical, mental and emotional problems to stress. Many entertainment industry employees know this all too well. From small productions to massive blockbusters, there are costly consequences when deadlines are not met. Technical problems, illnesses and even bad weather can put projects behind schedule and ratchet up the pressure on everyone involved. If you’re suffering from anxiety, depression, severe headaches, intestinal problems or another type of condition that you believe is traceable to the stressful conditions on set, our workers’ compensation lawyers will advise you on submitting a workers’ compensation claim. If approved, you can receive reimbursement for medications, healthcare services, psychiatric care and the income you lost while your stress-related problem kept you from working.

Carpal tunnel syndrome and other injuries affecting animators, editors and copywriters

Carpal tunnel syndrome is a nerve disorder that occurs when someone engages in a repetitive motion with their hands. It is commonly associated with workers who spend a great deal of time typing on keyboards or writing. Animators, copywriters and editors might spend hours at a time using their hands as part of their jobs and, in many cases, their workday extends well beyond the usual nine-to-five schedule. We consult with doctors to establish a link between these show business jobs and severe conditions such as carpal tunnel syndrome, migraines and eye strain.

Benefits you can receive under workers’ compensation

One of the most important aspects of workers’ compensation is that you do not have to prove that your employer was negligent or at fault in any way. As long as you were hurt during the normal course of your work duties, your medical costs and rehabilitation expenses should be covered. Claimants are also entitled to recover approximately two-thirds of their average pay during the period in which their medical condition prevents them from doing their job. This amount is capped under state law and adjusted annually. The maximum pay replacement amount for 2023 is $1,619.15 per week. 

Contact a proven Los Angeles workers’ compensation attorney for a free consultation

At Goldschmid, Silver & Spindel in Los Angeles, we are Board-certified workers’ compensation attorneys who represent screenwriters, editors, animators and other Californians experiencing job-related medical problems. To set up a free consultation regarding your claim, please call 213-251-5900 or contact us online.